Main features

Military defense is another area where the request for containerized solutions is frequent, in particular as regards field applications.

SITAL can enumerate significant experience in the construction of containers or shelters for:

  • Field power plants
  • Air conditioning systems in the field
  • Field kitchens
A collection of images showing a mobile military field power station. The primary image shows a camouflage-painted container on a military truck, suggesting portability for field operations.
A military container with a camouflage pattern on a truck, with detailed images showing an interior rack of cable reels, operational instructions, and sturdy supporting legs for stability.

They can be supplied complete with any of the different accessories already available for other types of containers, but also with more specific accessories for military use. Some examples:

  • Polychromatic painting
  • Leveling system
  • Automatic or manual unloading / loading devices
  • Filtration of the air intakes
  • Passive fire resistance

The produced containers are made in accordance with the military standards from time to time indicated in the reference specifications: STANAG, MIL-STD, etc.

Other accessories that may be included in the SITAL supply:

  • Lighting system
  • Air conditionings system
  • Forced ventilation system
  • Pressurization system
  • Fire and gas detection and fire automatic suppression system

  • Etc…

A collage of a beige container used for housing an air conditioner, connected to a military tent. It includes images of the container's exterior with vents and windows, and interior shots showing the air conditioning unit and the corridor leading to the tent.